Principal's Catch Up
Shirley Bailey
Mānawatia a Matariki!
As we approach the end of Term 2, with only one week left until the school holidays, it is fair to say that everyone is ready for a wee break. It has been a busy and fulfilling term, and everyone is feeling quite tired and ready for a break from the demands of school. We hope you all find some time over the holidays to rest, relax and recharge with your whānau.
Winter Illnesses
We have seen a large spike in winter illnesses, with up to 35% of our students being away over the last two weeks with some quite nasty coughs, colds and flus. While attendance is important, equally so is your child's health and wellbeing. We fully support you in keeping your children at home if they are genuinely unwell. Please see more information about Influenza below.
Some Term 2 Highlights
This term has been packed with lots of exciting opportunities for our tamariki. Here’s a quick recap of some highlights:
- T-Ball Tournament
- Dental Health Education
- Junior Bikes in Schools
- Ruben the Road Safety Bear Visit (Tui and Pīwakawaka)
- Pink Shirt Day
- School Photos
- School Speech Competition
- Life Education
- Learning about Electricity with the Lines Company for Karearea Students
In addition to these activities, our teaching staff have had a term full of professional learning in Literacy and Numeracy. It’s fantastic to see our staff excited about their new learning and implementing new practices in their teaching and learning programmes. There are some awesome maths games being played in our classes, creating awesome mathematical conversations and a bit of healthy competitiveness.
Shout out and Thank You to our Teachers
Our teaching team have also been working diligently to complete Mid Year Achievement Summaries for all our students. These take considerable time to prepare, as teachers gather and analyse student assessments and consider each students' next learning steps. I encourage you to take the time to read your child report when it arrives in your inbox today. I have read them all and want to take this opportunity to thank our teachers for the hard mahi they have done to keep you informed about your child's progress and achievement. I hope you have taken the time to read the email I sent yesterday, explaining the changes we have made to this year's reporting format - in relation to the Curriculum Phases.
Bike Day
At our recent board meeting, we discussed how we will allocate this year’s Bike Day funds, which total approximately $26,000. Initially, we tentatively earmarked some of this for the playground upgrade. However, with the receipt of two grants—$30,000 from the Pelorus Trust and $34,356 from the Lotteries Community Grant—the cost of the new playground has now largely been covered. The Board has decided our top three priorities are:
- Kuratau School Hall Improvements
- Pool Maintenance (Plastering Repairs)
- Improving Our Court Area
We are currently working through obtaining quotes before committing sums to each project. We will keep our community informed as we work through finalising these projects.
Kuratau School's - Matariki Celebration and Fancy Dress Dance
Next Thursday, 4th July, we will be holding our Matariki Cultural Feast and Fancy Dress Dance. This event was initially scheduled for tonight (27th June), but was postponed due to the exciting Matariki activities being organised in Turangi. We hope to see many of you next Thursday evening. Remember to bring some kai to share. See below for more details.
Whilst most people will know of the Significance of Matariki, some of our whānau may not. There has been a lot of teaching in classes over the term around the significance of Matariki. Below is a short explanation:
Matariki marks the Māori New Year and is a time of reflection, celebration, and renewal. It is a time to gather with whānau and friends to remember those who have passed, celebrate the present, and plan for the future. We encourage everyone to take this opportunity to connect with each other and celebrate our unique cultural heritage.
We wish all our whānau a happy, safe, and relaxing long weekend. We look forward to seeing you all at next week's Matariki Celebration.
Ngā mihi nui,
Shirley Bailey
Shirley Bailey