Important Dates

Jumping June

All Day

The Heart Foundation - Jumping June Fundraiser

Kuratau School

Life Education

All Day

Kuratau School

Mid Year Achievement Summaries sent home


Fancy Dress Dance + Matariki Cultural Feast


Kuratau School

Matariki Holiday - No School

All Day

End of Term 2

All Day

Last day of Term 2

Term 3 Starts

All Day

Welcome back to School

School Cross Country

All Day

Time details TBC

Hui a Whanau - Learning Conferences

Online Interview Bookings will be sent home early Term 3.

Kuratau School

Southern Lakes Cross Country

All Day

Timing of the day TBC

Kuratau School

Inter-School Cross Country

All Day

Details TBC


Wig Wednesday

All Day

Wear a crazy wig, or crazy hair style. Bring a gold coin donation and support Kiwi Kids with Cancer.

Kuratau School

End of Term 3

All Day

Kuratau School

Community Notices

If you would like to add a community notice to our fortnightly newsletters please get in touch with Rachel or Shirley - (07) 386 5801
The Turangi Rangatahi Hub, in conjunction with the Turangi Community Events Group, is excited to invite you to a spectacular Family Lights Disco! Join us as we dance under the stars at the Turangi Town Centre for a night of fun and celebration.

Family Lights Disco
Date: 27th June, 2024
Time: 5pm - 7pm
Location: Turangi Town Centre

Best Dressed Competition: Shine bright with costumes that sparkle, glow, and dazzle for a chance to win amazing prizes.
Competitions and Prizes: Dance offs, freeze dance, limbo, and more!
Kai for Koha: Delicious food available for purchase with a gold coin donation.

Gather your family, friends, and brightest costumes and join us for an unforgettable evening!


Postal Address

2244 State Highway 41 RD1 Kuratau TURANGI 3381


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