Principal's Catch Up
Shirley Bailey
There has definitely been a buzz of activity around the school over the last two weeks. With various building projects getting underway; our students preparing for Friday's Pet Day, Farm Skills Activities and Flower Art and Technology Show; and everyone continuing to practice for this week's Athletics Day ... it’s certainly been busy.
We have the following property projects underway this term:
- Building work has started at the back of Karearea (Room 1). We are adding a 'breakout' learning space at the back of Karearea which will provide our senior students with a bit more space to learn in.
- The new roof over our main classroom block is looking sharp and we are now just waiting on the upgrade of our archgola and some clearlite sheets at the hall to finish our roofing project.
- Within the next few weeks we will see the soak hole and drainage project get underway around the new staffroom and towards the end of the year we will see the exterior of the new staffroom get a shiny new coat of paint.
- Later in the term we are hoping to hold a Working Bee to tidy up the old playcentre playground. Our aim is for this playground to become a ‘junior’ playground area. We will let you know once the date is confirmed.
Last week we saw students delve into their creativity as they planned and prepared their Flower Art / Technology exhibits. There were some fantastic creations! Massive thanks to Ngaire Grainger and Frances Martin for judging once again this year. We are very thankful for their support.
On Friday it was awesome to see some of our students bring their pets to school. We saw some cheeky chickens, lively lambs, cute calves, happy tail wagging dogs, a tiny pony and a very friendly rooster in the ring. Jess Byrnes-Clark from Lakeside Lifestyle Animal Health had the tricky job of judging our pets. Big thanks to Jess for giving up her time to come along and judge for us.
See the results section below for a list of placegetters for both Pet Day and Flower Art and Technology exhibits.
This week is another busy week, with Athletics on Wednesday. We hope to see lots of you supporting your children at Athletics Day. This will kick off at 12pm, with an estimated finish time of 2.15pm. If the weather is unfavourable we have a postponement date of Thursday 2nd November.
The Kuratau School Board will be hosting two Whānau Hui this week. There are two kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) opportunities to come along and chat to the Board. See the 'Message from the Board' section below for full details.
Not long to go now until Karearea and Ruru head off to Wellington for their camp. If you have not yet paid for camp fees, please do so as soon as possible. Rachel has emailed invoices to all families and we would appreciate your prompt payment so that we can process the payment to El Rancho. Thank you to all those who have already paid the $150.
We hope you have a terrific week ahead and look forward to seeing lots of you this week - at athletics or at one of our planned hui.
Mā te wā
Shirley Bailey and the Kuratau School Team