Important Dates

Hui a Whanau - Learning Conferences

Please visit
Enter Event Code: jzdvt

Kuratau School

School Cross Country


Come along and support your children

Kuratau School

Southern Lakes Cross Country


Our top four year level placements in the School Country will battle it out against other local schools

Kuratau School

Inter-School Cross Country

All Day

Our top Cross Country runners will compete against all Taupo Schools

Spa Park, Taupo

Taiopenga Festival

All Day

Ruru and Karearea students will perform at the Tuwharetoa Taiopenga Festival. Time TBC


Wig Wednesday

All Day

Wear a Wig to support Child Cancer. Bring along a gold coin donation.

Kuratau School

Waiwhenua Day

All Day

Kuratau School

Turangi Rippa Rugby Festival

All Day

Venue TBC

End of Term 3

All Day

Last Day of Term 3

Kuratau School

Community Notices

If you would like to add a community notice to our fortnightly newsletters please get in touch with Rachel or Shirley - (07) 386 5801


Postal Address

2244 State Highway 41 RD1 Kuratau TURANGI 3381


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