Principal's News
Shirley Bailey
Welcome back to school!
Welcome to 2023! It has been a fantastic start to the new year here at Kuratau School and we are loving catching up with everyone's holiday news. There is an energetic positive vibe around the school with our kaiako and tamariki engaging in some fantastic, fun learning opportunities. Teachers and students have been enjoying getting to know each other, setting up their classroom expectations and routines. Many classes have been exploring te Tiriti o Waitangi - working together to create their own class treaty.
A massive welcome to our new students and whānau who have joined Kuratau School this year. We also welcome Kathryn Mather to our team. Our teachers for 2023 are as follows:
A massive welcome to our new students and whānau who have joined Kuratau School this year. We also welcome Kathryn Mather to our team. Our teachers for 2023 are as follows:
- Karearea (Room 1) - Bronwyn Hunt
- Ruru (Room 2) - Belinda Pyman
- Tui (Room 3) - Helen Lissaman
- Pīwakawaka (Room 4) - Kathryn Mather
Thank you to the families who joined us for our mihi whakatau on Tuesday 7th February. It was lovely to meet some of our new families.
You will have noticed the new online 'newsletter' format. This is one of many exciting new things happening this term with regards to how we communicate with families so please read the section around Communication.
It's important to us that we have open communication between home and school. If you have any questions, concerns, queries or positive comments about your child's wellbeing or progress please do not hesitate to make contact with your child's teacher.
As a team, we are excited about working with our Kuratau whānau this year and look forward to meeting you face to face. We are planning on holding a 'kai and kōrero' get together on Thursday, 2nd of March and will keep you informed once we have finalised the details. Keep a look out in your emails for an invitation :-)
Ngā mihi
Shirley Bailey
07 386 5801