Kuratau School

 Board of Trustees - Information


Under Ministry of Education regulations, elections for Board of Trustees are held every three years.  The most recent elections were held in August 2022. The next election for all Board of Trustee positions will be held in August 2025.  All parents / caregivers of children at Kuratau School are eligible to vote.  The Board consists of 5 parent-elected members, a staff representative and the Principal. 

 The Board may choose to Co-opt other members to fulfill specific roles, as they see fit.




These are usually held monthly, unless otherwise notified. Minutes are kept on file in the Principal's Office  Any parent wanting to have a matter discussed by the Board, must have it included on the Agenda and will need to notify the school office by the Wednesday 1 week prior to the meeting.



                                                    PRESIDING MEMBER       Sarah Westbrooke                                  

                                                    BOARD TREASURER        Lisa Bell           

                                                    PRINCIPAL                       Shirley Bailey   

                                                    HEALTH AND SAFETY     Fleur Ashford

                                                    COMMUNICATIONS        Willow Salvador

                                                    STAFF REP                      Bronwyn Hunt

          MINUTE SECRETARY             

 Ngaire Grainger