Kuratau School

 A Short History of the School and District


Pukawa was the site of the first government school in this area of Lake Taupo.  Timber extraction involved the establishment of two schools in the early 1940’s.  These were Hauia and Otaranga.  These sole charge schools served the milling communities for several years.


Mr. J.A.Asher representing the owners of the bush on the Ponanga Saddle was instrumental in the negotiating of an exchange for the Kuratau Block and then negotiating with the Wanganui Education Board for the building of the Kuratau School on the same block. 



In 1957 Both Moerangi and Rotomoho closed their doors, furniture, books, teachers and children moved into the new school. On 23rd April 1958 the school was formally opened by local MP Mr D Seath, and Paramount Chief, Hepi Te HeuHeu. Kuratau literally means "Beautiful School”.