Kuratau School

Meet Your BOT

Profiles of the schools BOT members

Sarah Westbrooke

Presiding Member BOT Elect Member

General Information

Sarah Jane Westbrooke – Profile

Hi, my name is Sarah-Jane Westbrooke, I am Mum of Libbie who finished at Kuratau in 2021 as well as Tori, Macey and Jack who are current students of the school.

I love being part of the community of a rural school and can often be found helping with various activities at our Kura.

My husband Johnny and I manage a dairy support farm in the local area and our extended family are in Taupo and Hawkes Bay.

Previously to moving into the district I was a part of the Wairakei School PTA, I have been on various committees within schools and always love watching children succeed and have fun within the school community.

Prior to farming on the Western Bays, my working life included running logistics for a rural trucking firm, and roles in rural retail and technical support in Farmlands Cooperative.

I have been Board Chair since the beginning of 2021, a role where I am enjoying building my leadership and governance skills. I bring a warm, inclusive and hardworking attitude to the job and enjoy working with my fellow board members to do the best we can for Kuratau School.